Saturday, 10 December 2011


In order to create the doors for the Guildhall I began with the frames. Having already got all of the spaces cut out of the walls, this was an easy task - just creating box shapes and using the scale tool to fit the shapes around the gap.

I cloned these frames and fitted them around all of the door areas so that the only task then was to create the actual door itself. Again, the creation was a simple box shape. However, the doors needed to be fitted exactly to the frames, without overlapping. This is because any overlap would be noticeable when opening the doors, and if the door was too far from the frame, a notable gap would be created.

Using the scale tool, I achieved a good fit for the doors. After this I had to ensure that the door would open correctly. By navigating to the hierarchy menu, I could select the 'Move Pivot Only' option and this allowed me to move the center of rotation (the pivot) for the door. Using the reference planes as guides, I could determine in which direction the door should open and place the pivot accordingly. Once completed, the door could be opened correctly using the rotate tool.

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